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FMS Student & Family Handbook

Falmouth Learning Outcomes

  • Clear and effective communicators: Understand the attributes and techniques that positively impact constructing and conveying meaning for a variety of purposes and through a variety of modes. 
  • Self-directed and lifelong learners: Understand the importance of embracing and nurturing a growth mindset. 
  • Creative and practical problem solvers: Are skilled at selecting and applying a process of problem-solving to deepen understanding and determine whether redefining the goal is a better way of addressing a problem situation and continuing to consider other alternative solutions until one resonates as the best one. 
  • Responsible and involved citizens: Understand the interdependence within and across systems and brings to each situation the appropriate actions. 
  • Integrative and informed thinkers: Are skilled at using complex reasoning processes to make meaning. 

Falmouth's Beliefs and Practices

  • Student learning and growth is our common goal.
  • Students learn best when they are engaged.
  • Students learn in a variety of ways and at different rates.
  • Students need practice and feedback before being expected to demonstrate learning.
  • Students need to develop habits of work.
  • Professionals use evidence from student work, behavior, and feedback to inform decisions.

Equal Educational Opportunities

The Falmouth School Department is committed to providing equal educational opportunities as required by federal and state laws for all students, regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. Students or families/caregivers should direct any questions or concerns to the building principal.

Frequently Used Contacts

FMS Main Office: 207-781-3740
FMS Attendance: 
FMS Student Services: 207-781-9886, Julie Mercer 
FMS School Nurse: 207-781-1020, Jean Barbour 
Transportation: 207-321-0030

Calendars & Schedules

Falmouth Schools District Calendar - Year At A Glance
School & District Monthly Events Calendar 
Falmouth Middle School General Schedule

Select a heading below to read sections of the FMS Student & Family Handbook or access a PDF of the full handbook.

General Information

Student Services

Student Information

Activities, Clubs, & Sports


School Culture

The Falmouth School Board has adopted a number of policies addressing student conduct expectations and discipline and we have included several of these important School Board policies in this handbook. Please see the district website for more information

It is essential for schools to maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment, which supports student learning and achievement. Acceptable student behavior allows the schools to discharge their primary responsibilities to educate students and promote good citizenship. All students are expected to conduct themselves with respect for others and in accordance with School Board policies, school rules, and applicable state and federal laws. Disciplinary action may be taken against students who violate policies, rules, or laws, and/or whose conduct directly interferes with the operations, or general welfare of the school.