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Student Services

Discrimination and harassment are not tolerated by Falmouth Public Schools. Students, Staff, and Families are encouraged to report policy violations to the officers below, or any administrator in the district: 

Affirmative Action / Title IX Coordinator: Jennifer Kelly, Director of Learning

ADA/504 compliance coordinator: Mark Campbell, Director of Special Education

Emergency Information

Maine Crisis Hotline 1-888-568-1112 
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 
Crisis Text Line text HOME to 741741

FMS Student Services Team

Your student services team is made up of mental health professionals that support students and families in the areas of academics, social/emotional learning, interpersonal skills, resource connection, and student advocacy. We are lucky to have School Counselors and School Social Workers at Falmouth Middle School. 

Department direct line: 207-781-9886

School Counseling

School counselors are student advocates. We are here to support students in their academics, social, and family lives. School counselors help connect students to services, provide short term counseling, run groups, assist in the creation of Advisory/SEL programming, and promote equity for all students in our schools. Here at Falmouth Middle School we have three school counselors who follow their student case loads throughout the students’ careers at FMS.

If you need to set up a meeting with your school counselor, feel free to email them, or come on down to the Student Services Office. Department direct line: 207-781-9886

Jeff Gahn, M.Ed., School Counselor (6th)

Anna Gordon, M.Ed., School Counselor (7th)

Janelle Day M.Ed., School Counselor (8th) 

Julie Mercer, Registrar

Learn more about the School Counselors and services

Social Work

School Social Workers are an integral part of the Support Services team. They are trained mental health professionals that meet with students individually and in group settings. School Social Workers can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic, and classroom support, consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators. 

Department direct line: 207-781-9886

Chris Taylor, LCSW, M.Ed.
School Social Worker