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Health Services

Welcome to the FMS Health Services Website. Falmouth Middle School has one certified school nurse, Jean Barbour, who works full time during school hours. In order to provide the best care for your child, please remember to notify the health office of any new or updated health issues (allergies, concussions, injuries, illnesses, etc) or changes in medication. 

Jean Barbour RN 207-781-1020, fax 207-781-1021

We recommend you program your cell phone to recognize this phone number as the FMS nurse. 

Dental Clinic Opportunity - All Falmouth Schools:

Mainely Teeth will be providing dental care (routine care and screenings, preventive services, and simple dental treatments) on March 11-13, 2025, to children who do not otherwise have a dental home. Services provided are available to students with MaineCare, private insurance, or students that are uninsured and NOT established with a dentist.  If your student is seeing a dentist regularly, they would not need or qualify for these services. However, if you are having a hard time getting into the community dental clinic or their dentist is no longer accepting MaineCare, Mainely Teeth can see them. If your student does not have MaineCare or other dental insurance, these services will be provided for free after a brief financial screening over the phone. Registration and consent forms must be returned by Tuesday, 3/4/25. Please read and complete the registration packet  or contact your student’s school nurse if you would like us to send you a paper copy. 

FMS Health Policies & Guidelines

District Health Policies & Guidelines